Dr Chris Smith

Dr Chris Smith
  • Biography/ Background

    Having initially qualified as a secondary school teacher my first full-time job was as a clinical psychologist working mainly in the field of adult psychiatry. From there I moved into the business world wherein a brief stint as a senior IR/HR manager was followed by GM/MD roles across a range of industries and settings ending in a Divisional CEO role overseeing a range of companies in the UK, Europe and Australasia. I entered the academic world via Warwick Business School (UK)and joined Adelaide at the beginning of 2004.
  • Qualifications

    DipT(Sec) (Adelaide)
    BSc(Hons) (Adelaide)
    MSc(Clin Psych) (Surrey)
    MBA (Adelaide)
    MA (Post Compulsory Education) (Warwick)

    PhD (Strategy) (Warwick)


  • Teaching Interests

    I teach across a range of areas related to strategic management including business strategy, corporate strategy and strategic change
  • Research Interests

    My research/writing interests mirror my teaching interests except that I am also interested in research/writing on the dynamics of learning and teaching in business related education


    Angwin, D., Cummings, S. and Smith, C. S. (2011). Strategy Pathfinder, 2nd Ed. Oxford: Blackwell.

    Mackie, S.I., Begg, S.H., Smith, C., and Welsh, M.B. (2006), Realizing the potential of decision-making under uncertainty, AAPG International Conference and Exhibition 

    最新糖心Vlogn Petroleum Production and Exploration Association

    Mackie, S.I., Begg, S.H., Smith, C., and Welsh, M.B. (2008), “Real world” decision-making in the upstream oil and gas industry – Prescriptions for improvement, APPEA Journal, 23: 329-343

    Mackie, S.I., Begg, S.H., Smith, C.S., and Welsh, M.E., (2007) Decision
    type: A key to realizing the potential of decision-making under
    uncertainty, AAPEA Journal, Volume 22, Number 1, pp 307 - 317. 

    Mackie, S.I., Begg, S.H., Smith, C.S., and Welsh, M.E. (2010), Human decision-making in the oil and gas industry, Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition held in Brisbane, Queensland, 最新糖心Vlog, 18–20 October 2010

    Smith, C. S. (2005) Corporate strategy, in J. McGee (ed.) The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management – Strategic Management 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 65-69.

    Smith, C. S. (2005) Corporate styles, in J. McGee (ed.) The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management – Strategic Management 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 69-71.

    Smith, C. S. (2005) Organizational structure, in J. McGee (ed.) The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management – Strategic Management 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 235-241.

    Smith, C. S. (2005) The value of an MBA, The Graduate, Oct/Nov: 25

    Smith, C. S. (2006) MBA – therefore I think, Asian Legal Business, 6(8): 53.

    Smith, C. S. (2007) Mergers and acquisition as illusion, in D. Angwin (ed) Images of Mergers and Acquisitions, Oxford: Blackwell, 63-86.

    Smith, Chris(2011) 'Examinations and the ESL student - more evidence of particular disadvantages’, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 36: 1, 13-25,

    Smith, C. S., McGee, J., Thomas, H. & Wilson, D. (2005) Corporate strategy: adding value in multi-business firms, in J. McGee, H. Thomas and D. Wilson Strategy: Analysis and Practice, London: McGraw-Hill, 337-376.

    Smith, C.S. (2003) Strategy as numbers, in S. Cummings and D. Wilson (eds.) Images of Strategy. Oxford: Blackwell: 356-82.

    Smith, C.S., Gidney, M., Barclay, N. and Rosenfeld, R. (2002) Dominant logics of strategy in Further Education colleges, Research in Post-Compulsory Education. 7(1): 45-61.

    Smith, C.S., Gidney, M., Barclay, N. and Rosenfeld, R. (2002) Linking strategic perspectives and strategy, Learning and Skills Research. Autumn: 40-41.


  • Professional Associations

    British Psychological Society
    最新糖心Vlogn Psychological Society
    Strategic Management Society (US)
    Strategic Planning Society (UK)
  • Files

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Entry last updated: Friday, 20 Jan 2017