
NURSING 7208OL - ATSI Peoples Health & Culture

Online - Semester 2 - 2017

This course will provide a historical and cultural background that will inform an understanding of the health issues facing this population and the contribution that nurses can provide in primary and acute health care.

  • General Course Information
    Course Details
    Course Code NURSING 7208OL
    Course ATSI Peoples Health & Culture
    Coordinating Unit Adelaide Nursing School
    Term Semester 2
    Level Postgraduate Coursework
    Location/s Online
    Units 3
    Contact Online
    Available for Study Abroad and Exchange N
    Restrictions Available to M.Clin Nurs students only
    Assessment Literature search, portfolio, essay
    Course Staff

    Course Coordinator: Professor Janet Kelly

    Course Coordinator: Dr Janet Kelly
    Phone: +61 8 831 30964
    Email: janet.kelly@adelaide.edu.au
    Location: Room 3-36, School of Nursing, 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide

    School Office
    Phone: +61 8 8313 3595
    Email: nursing.studentliason@adelaide.edu.au
    Course Timetable

    The full timetable of all activities for this course can be accessed from .

  • Learning Outcomes
    Course Learning Outcomes
    1 Identify historical, socio-cultural and economic determinants of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health, cross cultural communication, primary health care and rural and remote issues
    2 Acquire an understanding the Community Controlled Health Service and strategies for delivering effective health care services.
    3 Describe the role of government and non –government organisations, initiatives and laws on provision of health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
    4 Demonstrate an understanding of cultural safety issues related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
    5 Examine the prevalence of mental health ad grief and loss in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islandercommunities.
    6 Map the patient’s journey and suggest improvements to the role of health care systems in the provision of care in rural and remote communities.
    7 Examine in detail chronic disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islandercommunities including the impact of ATOD and identify how you as a nurse could respond to the issues surrounding their care.
    8 Critique previous Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanderhealth strategies
    9 Examine mechanisms of injury within the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population.
    最新糖心Vlog Graduate Attributes

    This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop the Graduate Attribute(s) specified below:

    最新糖心Vlog Graduate Attribute Course Learning Outcome(s)
    Deep discipline knowledge
    • informed and infused by cutting edge research, scaffolded throughout their program of studies
    • acquired from personal interaction with research active educators, from year 1
    • accredited or validated against national or international standards (for relevant programs)
    Critical thinking and problem solving
    • steeped in research methods and rigor
    • based on empirical evidence and the scientific approach to knowledge development
    • demonstrated through appropriate and relevant assessment
    Teamwork and communication skills
    • developed from, with, and via the SGDE
    • honed through assessment and practice throughout the program of studies
    • encouraged and valued in all aspects of learning
    1-4, 6, 7
    Career and leadership readiness
    • technology savvy
    • professional and, where relevant, fully accredited
    • forward thinking and well informed
    • tested and validated by work based experiences
    3, 6, 7
    Intercultural and ethical competency
    • adept at operating in other cultures
    • comfortable with different nationalities and social contexts
    • able to determine and contribute to desirable social outcomes
    • demonstrated by study abroad or with an understanding of indigenous knowledges
    Self-awareness and emotional intelligence
    • a capacity for self-reflection and a willingness to engage in self-appraisal
    • open to objective and constructive feedback from supervisors and peers
    • able to negotiate difficult social situations, defuse conflict and engage positively in purposeful debate
    1, 2, 4, 6, 7
  • Learning Resources
    Required Resources
    Taylor, T, and Guerin, P 2014 Health care and Indigenous 最新糖心Vlogns: cultural safety in practice, Palgrave Macmillan, 最新糖心Vlog

    Recommended Resources

    Best, O and Fredericks B (editors), 2014, ‘Yatdjuligin: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nursing & Midwifery Care’, Cambridge
    最新糖心Vlog Press, 最新糖心Vlog

    Goonj, B 2010 Bridging cultures in aboriginal health, 最新糖心Vlog of New England Press.

    Trudgen, R 2001 Why warriors lie down and die, Aboriginal Resource and Development Services Inc, Darwin.
  • Learning & Teaching Activities
    Learning & Teaching Modes
    This course uses a flexible delivery approach to identify situations that impact the daily environment of nursing practice especially in the domain of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people's health. Students are encouraged to consider their ‘arrival’ at the career of nursing and to actively reflect on what they consider to be the professional skills and attributes. 1 introductory face to face session is scheduled in the first week, and 1 workshop is scheduled within the semester.

    The information below is provided as a guide to assist students in engaging appropriately with the course requirements.

    The workload for this course is based on a flexible learning delivery:
    It is expected that you will need to invest about 12 hours per week of study to successfully complete this course. This includes all study activities, workshops, readings and assessment. Thus some weeks it will be more and others less. It is recommended that you plan your time commitment to the course at the beginning of the semester.
    Learning Activities Summary
    The tables below indicate the lecture outlines for ATSI Peoples Health and Culture. A body systems approach is taken. Simple health problems based on of the top illnesses experienced in 最新糖心Vlogn society are as studied as a series of case presentations.

    ATSI Peoples' Health & Culture
    Lecture Series
    1. Health and History

    2. Social determinants of health and cultural safety

    3. Working in Aboriginal health care

    4. Maternal and child health and gender considerations

    5. Management of primary/chronic health care and aging

    6. Mental health & social wellbeing - anxiety, depression and suicide

    7. Mental health / alcohol, tobacco and other drugs / substance abuse

     8. Respiratory and cardiovascular disease

    9. Diabetes and renal disease

    10. Eye, ENT and dental conditions

    11. Skin conditions and STI's

    12. Trauma and preventable injury

  • Assessment

    The 最新糖心Vlog's policy on Assessment for Coursework Programs is based on the following four principles:

    1. Assessment must encourage and reinforce learning.
    2. Assessment must enable robust and fair judgements about student performance.
    3. Assessment practices must be fair and equitable to students and give them the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned.
    4. Assessment must maintain academic standards.

    Assessment Summary
    Assessment Task Assessment Type Weighting Learning Outcome(s) being addressed
    Portfolio activities 1-2 Formative 0% 1-9
    Portfolio activities 3-12 Summative 30% 1-9
    Literature review critique Summative 30% 1-4
    Analytical paper Summative 40% 1-9
    Assessment Detail
    Assessment 1: Critical appraisal  (1250 words)  Week 4
    The students will be given three texts and asked to reflect on how health is referred to in each text, what has
    improved or not in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health over the last 15 years, and what five things they think would make a positive difference in the future. The essay will be assessed using a marking rubric.

    Assesment 2: Reflective exercise (500 words)  Due week 12
    Students are encouraged to keep a record of their thoughts while reading and watching the weekly activities and attendfing the face to face workshop. Toward the end of the semester they will be invited to reflect  on the most significant things that they have learned throughout the course.


    Assessment 3: Patient journey mapping (2000 words) Week 10

    Students will analyse a case taken from a range of real life examples of a person of Aboriginal background and their journey through the health care system. Using a simplified version of the Managing Two Worlds Together patient journey mapping tools, the student will provide a brief summary of the patient's journey, identify the aspects of health that are important for this patient, the underlying factors that impact on their access and quality of care, and how the journey has progressed from the perspective of the patient, their family and staff. They will then identify three or more things that they as a nurse could do to improve health care for this patient and/or other Aboriginal patients. The mapping will be assessed using a marking rubric.

    Unless otherwise indicated all submission of assignments is to be through the assignments portal of MyUni. Students MUST keep an electronic copy of all assignments submitted. Cover sheets are required for all assignments and can be accessed from the School of Nursing website. Extension of time for submission of assignments is subject to negotiation with the course coordinator. Requests must be made before the due date of the assignment. In principle, all assignments should be submitted by the due date. However, an extension may be granted if the request is made before the due date and the usual administration procedures are followed. Late submission without an approved extension will be penalised at the rate of 5% of available marks for each working day after the due date. Work submitted more than ten days after the due date may be returned unmarked. This action will be taken to prevent students who do get their work in on time being disadvantaged.

    Whenever possible staff will turn around marked assignments within 4 weeks or earlier.
    Course Grading

    Grades for your performance in this course will be awarded in accordance with the following scheme:

    M10 (Coursework Mark Scheme)
    Grade Mark Description
    FNS   Fail No Submission
    F 1-49 Fail
    P 50-64 Pass
    C 65-74 Credit
    D 75-84 Distinction
    HD 85-100 High Distinction
    CN   Continuing
    NFE   No Formal Examination
    RP   Result Pending

    Further details of the grades/results can be obtained from Examinations.

    Grade Descriptors are available which provide a general guide to the standard of work that is expected at each grade level. More information at Assessment for Coursework Programs.

    The following marking guides will be used for the assignments:

    Marking Guide - Literature Review Critique
    Structure and Writing Style 25%
    Structure (15%)
    • The readings are clearly identified

    • The way in which the assignment will proceed is clearly described

    • The appraisal is structured according to the suggested outline with headings used to indicate the sections

    • The appraisal ends with a brief cogent defendable conclusion that summarises the discussion within the body.

    Writing style (10%)
    • The critique is written with
         • Clear sentences
         • Precision of expression
         • Correct grammar
         • Accurate spelling
    Content and Critical Analysis 60%
    • Demonstrates an understanding of the selected reading by identifying the central components.

    • There is evidence that the student critically analysed the readings, discussing the issues and concepts raised in the article and the validity of the author(s) arguments supported by additional contemporary references.

    • There is evidence the student reflected on the reading and on the relevance to practice.
    Referencing 15%
    • The referencing style used throughout the paper is congruent with the School Manual and School Style and Referencing Guide.

    • The reference list is accurate (i.e. no missing page numbers, volumes, correct title etc), complete (i.e. no references in the body of the paper are missing from the reference list) and consistent with the School Manual and School Style and Referencing Guide.

    • The references cited are contemporary (i.e. less than 10 years old unless seminal papers)

    • Primary references are used predominantly (i.e. the original reference has been cited rather than a secondary source)

    • There is evidence in the paper that the student has searched widely for information related to the topic/issue

    • The student has acknowledged all sources of information

    • Direct quotations are only used to make crucial points or to support the discussion/argument.

    Marking Guide - Patient Journey Mapping
    Structure and Writing Style 25%
    Structure (15%)
    • Introduces the patient

    • Clearly describes the way in which the paper will proceed (follows the suggested outline within the School Manual and School Style and Referencing Guide)

    • The paper is structured according to the suggested outline with headings used to indicate the sections

    • All sections of the templates have been completed

    • The analytical paper summaries the case details and suggestions are made for enhancement of practice.

    Writing style (10%)
    • The analytical paper is written with
         • Clear sentence structure
         • Clarity of argument
         • Precision of expression
         • Spelling and grammar are correct.
    Content and Critical Analysis 60%
    Content (30%)
    • The paper has been presented logically

    • The paper content has clear links to contemporary nursing practice

    • The student’s paper demonstrates a depth of understanding of the topic and related nursing issues.

    Critical analysis (30%)

    • The analytical paper demonstrates a high degree of critical thought and insight into the patient's condition and nursing care provided by:
         • providing a justification/rationale for the argument/discussion (or analysis) pertaining to nursing care
         • demonstrating they have reflected on the complex issues surrounding the nursing care of Aboriginal and Torres Strait  Islander patients
         • Discussing the nursing care from differing perspectives, thereby providing a balanced argument/discussion.
    Referencing 15%
    • The referencing style used throughout the paper is congruent with the School Manual and School Style and Referencing Guide.

    • The reference list is accurate (i.e. no missing page numbers, volumes, correct title etc), complete (i.e. no references in the body of the paper are missing from the reference list) and consistent with the School Manual and School Style and Referencing Guide.

    • The references cited are contemporary (i.e. less than 10 years old unless seminal papers)

    • Primary references are used predominantly (i.e. the original reference has been cited rather than a secondary source)

    • There is evidence in the paper that the student has searched widely for information related to the topic/issue

    • The student has acknowledged all sources of information

    • Direct quotations are only used to make crucial points or to support the discussion/argument.

    Final results for this course will be made available through .

  • Student Feedback

    The 最新糖心Vlog places a high priority on approaches to learning and teaching that enhance the student experience. Feedback is sought from students in a variety of ways including on-going engagement with staff, the use of online discussion boards and the use of Student Experience of Learning and Teaching (SELT) surveys as well as GOS surveys and Program reviews.

    SELTs are an important source of information to inform individual teaching practice, decisions about teaching duties, and course and program curriculum design. They enable the 最新糖心Vlog to assess how effectively its learning environments and teaching practices facilitate student engagement and learning outcomes. Under the current SELT Policy (http://www.adelaide.edu.au/policies/101/) course SELTs are mandated and must be conducted at the conclusion of each term/semester/trimester for every course offering. Feedback on issues raised through course SELT surveys is made available to enrolled students through various resources (e.g. MyUni). In addition aggregated course SELT data is available.

    Concern re access to an Indigenous person during placement. If students did not come across an Aboriginal person a case study was supplied for them to utilise.

    Feedback or a forum to become engaged and discuss or communicate with a teacher about questions you may have. To be instigated in 2016.

    I believe it would be more valuable if even a 2hr lecture (Seminar) was given for the ATSI course. This would provide useful information and even allow for guest speakers to come in and provide their input on ATSI health services. It would allow nursing students to develop a more appropriate understanding of ASTI health care delivery rather than just finding information online. It would also give a timeslot for students to ask questions about the course material. A workshop is being investigated for 2016.

    it would be good to also have an aspect of this course relating to different cultures as australia is becoming very diverse and knowing certain things about these cultures would be beneficial for clinical practice. The accreditation body requires there to be a specific course with ATSI content only. Multicultural aspects are included throughout the rest of the program.

  • Student Support
  • Policies & Guidelines
  • Fraud Awareness

    Students are reminded that in order to maintain the academic integrity of all programs and courses, the university has a zero-tolerance approach to students offering money or significant value goods or services to any staff member who is involved in their teaching or assessment. Students offering lecturers or tutors or professional staff anything more than a small token of appreciation is totally unacceptable, in any circumstances. Staff members are obliged to report all such incidents to their supervisor/manager, who will refer them for action under the university's student鈥檚 disciplinary procedures.

The 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide is committed to regular reviews of the courses and programs it offers to students. The 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide therefore reserves the right to discontinue or vary programs and courses without notice. Please read the important information contained in the disclaimer.