
ANAT SC 1103 - Human Biology IB

North Terrace Campus - Semester 2 - 2014

Human biology is the study of human life. It incorporates a variety of disciplines and focuses on issues that affect humans at the individual, population and species levels. As well as introducing students to content, emphasis is placed on developing skills in research, critical analysis and communication of scientific information relevant to the study of humans. In Human Biology 1B, coverage of organ systems completes investigation of the structure and function of the human body. The course focus then shifts to factors that influence and shape human populations and the human species. Topics are organised into 5 modules: Scientific Reasoning and Methods, Body Fluids and Transport, Environmental Exchange, Human Evolution and Ecology, and Infection and Immunity. The Course does not assume prior knowledge of year 12 biology or chemistry.

  • General Course Information
    Course Details
    Course Code ANAT SC 1103
    Course Human Biology IB
    Coordinating Unit Anatomy and Pathology
    Term Semester 2
    Level Undergraduate
    Location/s North Terrace Campus
    Units 3
    Contact Up to 6 hours per week
    Assumed Knowledge ANAT SC 1102 & ANAT SC 1103
    Assessment Research-based assessment tasks during semester (scientific report & group-based poster & presentation) 40%, online quizzes & end of module tests 10%, end of semester written exam 45%
    Course Staff

    Course Coordinator: Dr Eleanor Peirce

    Course Coordinator: Dr Eleanor Peirce
    Phone: +61 8 8313 5191
    Email: eleanor.peirce@adelaide.edu.au
    Location: Room N131b, Level 1, Medical School North

    Student Services Office
    Phone: +61 8 8313 5571
    Email: medsci_studentservices@adelaide.edu.au
    Location: Room N131a, Level 1, Medical School North
    Course Timetable

    The full timetable of all activities for this course can be accessed from .

  • Learning Outcomes
    Course Learning Outcomes
    1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
    · The macroscopic and microscopic structure of the human body.
    · The interrelationship between structure and function and that alteration to structure affects function.
    · The basic principles underlying immunology and diseased states and how these influence health and disease within the human body and human populations.
    · Human ecology, evolutionary processes and the origins of modern humans.
    2 Demonstrate respect for the human body and diversity observed within the human species, and for the points of view of others, whatever their age, gender, abilities, social circumstances or cultural background.
    3 Critically evaluate and integrate biological information and data derived from a variety of sources to produce scientifically valid reports, posters and communications.
    4 Display scientific curiosity and appreciate the value of asking questions in science.
    5 Display independent learning and basic problem solving skills.
    6 Work cooperatively in tutorials and practical sessions to gain deeper understanding and effectively participate as a team member in group-based activities.
    7 Identify and apply the key features of scientific method in evaluating research strategies and experimental design.
    8 Appropriately use medical and scientific terminology in oral and written communication.
    9 Apply their knowledge of the human body in the interpretation of common health-related scenarios encountered in day-to-day living.
    10 Describe, comprehend, synthesise, apply, analyse and/or evaluate course related scientific literature and experimental data.
    最新糖心Vlog Graduate Attributes

    This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop the Graduate Attribute(s) specified below:

    最新糖心Vlog Graduate Attribute Course Learning Outcome(s)
    Knowledge and understanding of the content and techniques of a chosen discipline at advanced levels that are internationally recognised. 1, 7
    The ability to locate, analyse, evaluate and synthesise information from a wide variety of sources in a planned and timely manner. 5, 10
    An ability to apply effective, creative and innovative solutions, both independently and cooperatively, to current and future problems. 9
    Skills of a high order in interpersonal understanding, teamwork and communication. 3, 6, 8
    A proficiency in the appropriate use of contemporary technologies. 5
    A commitment to continuous learning and the capacity to maintain intellectual curiosity throughout life. 4-5
    An awareness of ethical, social and cultural issues within a global context and their importance in the exercise of professional skills and responsibilities. 2
  • Learning Resources
    Required Resources
    Martini FH, Ober WC and Nath JL (2011) Visual Anatomy and Physiology Benjamin Cummings, Boston

    Note: The version of the text that is available in 2014 is the Pearson New International Edition, which can be purchased from:

    ·   Unibooks on Campus in the Union Building, Telephone 8125 5100

    ·   Encompass Books, Shop 20, Renaissance Arcade, 128 Rundle Mall, Telephone 8234 0886

    Recommended Resources
    In addition to the textbook, a text on scientific writing and referencing skills is recommended to assist with the required format of assessment tasks and assignments. Several examples of useful writing skills book are:

    Faigley L 2011 The Little Penguin Handbook (Australasian Edition) Longman, New York

    Summers J and Smith B 2010 Communication Skills Handbook 3rd Ed. Wiley, Brisbane

    Links to study guides and resources on referencing are provided on MyUni at

    Online Learning
    All notes, resource manuals and papers for lectures, practicals, tutorial sessions and assessment tasks are available on MyUni at https://myuni.adelaide.edu.au/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp as well as lists of suitable readings, online quizzes and links to external websites.
  • Learning & Teaching Activities
    Learning & Teaching Modes
    Human Biology IB utilises a range of teaching and learning modes in recognition of the diversity of learning styles exhibited by the student population. Lectures and pre-lecture activities identify the concepts on which human biology is based and provide basic factual information and examples illustrating these concepts. The lectures are supported by online quizzes, and interactive tutorials that are designed to clarify understanding of concepts and apply them to new scenarios, often within a problem-solving context. Practical sessions provide an opportunity for visual and interactive learners to integrate the predominantly theoretical knowledge from lectures with that obtained via personal observations and hands on investigations, and for all students to acquire a more holistic perspective of the interactions between three-dimensional body form and functions at various hierarchical levels. In addition to the online summative quizzes, assessment throughout the semester includes tutorial and practical class extension tasks and a Group-based Discovery Project that fosters development of research skills within a range of biomedical contexts relevant to the wellbeing of humans. Skills assessment utilises the Research Skills Development (RSD) framework (Willison and O’Regan 2007) available at:

    The information below is provided as a guide to assist students in engaging appropriately with the course requirements.

    Table 1 provides a summary of course components and activities and the expected minimum time commitment per activity by an average student to meet the course requirements. Please note that the total time commitment equates to about 12 hours per teaching week of semester (including swot week).

    Table 1: Workload for Human Biology IB (3 units) - total 154 hours
    Face-to-Face Classes 58 hours

    Laboratory sessions


    Discovery Project Meetings
    35 x 1 hour sessions

    12 x 1 hour sessions

    8 x 1 hour sessions

    3 x 1 hour sessions
    35 hours

    12 hours

    8 hours

    3 hours
    Formative Online Activities 12 hours
    Formative Quizzes

    Pre and Post-class Activities

    Formative Online Test Activities
    2 x ½ hour

    45 minutes per week x 12 weeks

    2 hours across course
    1 hour

    9 hours

    2 hours
    Summative Assessment Tasks – as described in Assessment Section 58 hours
    Online Assessment Tasks

    Practical and Tutorial Extension Tasks

    Group-based Discovery Project

    Practical & Tutorial In-Class Assessment

    4 x summative quizzes (1 hr/task)

    Analysis and interpretation of class-generated data set (15 hours) + specimen interpretation (5 hours)

    Literature based research, preparation of wiki page and poster, group management journal, - 3½ hours/week x 9 weeks (includes mid-
    semester break)

    Completed in face-to-face sessions or as part of expected class preparation

    1 exam scheduled in official exam period
    4 hours

    20 hours

    31.5 hours

    2.5 hours
    Personal Study 26 hours
    Class preparation and/or revision 2 hours per week including SWOT week 26 hours
    Total 154 hours
    Learning Activities Summary
    Course materials are divided into 5 modules; What is Science, Circulation and Transport, Human Evolution and Ecology, Environmental Exchange, and Infection and Immunity. Each module includes lecture, practical and tutorial activities.




    Week 1

    Introduction to Human Biology

    What is Science? Its History & Philosophical Basis

    What is Science? Science Research Skills

    Doing Science 1: Researchable Questions and Critical Analysis

    Skills Development 1: Search Strategies and Referencing

    Lecture 1

    Lecture 2

    Lecture 3

    Practical 1

    Tutorial 1 (Online Activity)

    Week 2

    What is Science? – Science in Practice

    Circulation and Transport 1: Blood & Lymph

    Circulation and Transport 2: Blood & Lymph Vessels

    Doing Science 2: Reasoning in Experimental Design

    Skills Development 2: Working Effectively with Others – Group Learning Strategies

    Lecture 4

    Lecture 5

    Lecture 6

    Practical 2

    Tutorial 2

    Week 3

    Circulation & Transport 3: The Heart

    Circulation & Transport 4: Cardiac Cycle & Cardiac Output

    Circulation & Transport 5: Blood Pressure & Flow

    Circulation & Transport: The Heart & Vascular Circuits

    Circulation & Transport: Blood Composition & Flow

    Lecture 7

    Lecture 8

    Lecture 9

    Practical 3

     Tutorial 3

    Week 4

    Circulation & Transport 6: Cardiovascular Adaptations with Age & Exercise

    Human Evolution & Ecology 1: Human’s Place in Nature

    Human Evolution & Ecology 2: The Earliest Humans

    Circulation & Transport: Haemodynamics in Action

    Extension Research topic

    Lecture 10

    Lecture 11

    Lecture 12

    Practical 4

    Discovery Project Meeting 1

    Week 5

    Human Evolution & Ecology 3: The First People Like Us

    Human Evolution & Ecology 4: After the End of the Ice Age

    Human Evolution & Ecology 5: Human Population Ecology

    Human Evolution & Ecology: Measuring Human Variability (Group1) or Primate Characteristics (Group 2)

    Circulation & Transport: Heart Structure and Function

    Lecture 13

     Lecture 14

    Lecture 15

    Practical 5

    Tutorial 4

    Week 6

    Human Evolution & Ecology 6: Autecology & Synecology

    Environmental Exchange 1: Respiratory System Anatomy

    Environmental Exchange 2: Mechanics of Ventilation

    Human Evolution & Ecology: Measuring Human Variability (Group 2) or Primate Characteristics (Group 1)

    Human Evolution & Ecology: Evolutionary Trends in Hominin Skeletal Characteristics

    Lecture 16

     Lecture 17

     Lecture 18

    Practical 6


     Tutorial 5

    Week 7

    Environmental Exchange 3: Air Modification, Alveoli & Gas Exchange

    Environmental Exchange 4: Pharmacological Management of Respiratory Disease

    Environmental Exchange 5: General Gastrointestinal Tract Structure & Regional Specialisation

    Environmental Exchange: Anatomy of Airways & Lungs

    Extension Research topic

    Lecture 19

    Lecture 20

    Lecture 21

    Practical 7

     Discovery Project Meeting 2


    Week 8

    Environmental Exchange 6: Digestion and Absorption

    Environmental Exchange 7: Roles of Pancreas and Liver in Digestive Function

    Environmental Exchange: Nutrition, Energy Balance & Metabolism

    Environmental Exchange: Microstructure & Physiology of Exchange Sites

    Environmental Exchange: Ventilation & Respiration

    Lecture 22

     Lecture 23

    Lecture 24

    Practical 8

    Tutorial 6

    Week 9

    Environmental Exchange 8: Organisation & Anatomy of the Urinary System

    Environmental Exchange 9: Urine Formation & Excretion

    Environmental Exchange: Anatomy of the GIT & Urinary System

    Environmental Exchange: Digestion & Absorption

    Lecture 25

    Lecture 26

     Practical 9

    Tutorial 7

    Week 10

    Environmental Exchange 10: Fluid, Electrolyte & Acid-Base Balance

    Infection & Immunity 1: Impact of Infectious Disease

    Infection & Immunity 2: Basics of the Immune System I

    Environmental Exchange: Physiology of Digestion & Nutrition

    Extension Research topic

    Lecture 27

    Lecture 28

    Lecture 29

    Practical 10

    Discovery Project Meeting 3

    Week 11

    Infection & Immunity 3: Basics of the Immune System II

    Infection & Immunity 4: Basics of the Immune System III

    Infection & Immunity 5: Viruses & Virus Infections

    Infection and Immunity: Bacterial Culture, Microflora of Skin & Pharynx, Phagocytosis

    Environmental Exchange: Glomerular Filtration, Reabsorption & Secretion

    Lecture 30

     Lecture 31

    Lecture 32

    Practical 11

    Tutorial 8

    Week 12

    Immunity 6: Bacterial Pathogens I

    Infection & Immunity 7: Bacterial Pathogens II

    Putting it All Together: Options after Human Biology

    Infection and Immunity: Identification of Bacteria

    Skills Development 3: Tips & Techniques & Sample Questions for Exam Success

    Lecture 33

    Lecture 34

    Lecture 35

    Practical 12

    Tutorial 9 (Online Activity)

    Week 13

    Optional Question and Answer & Exam Checklist Session

    Lecture 36

    Specific Course Requirements
    All students must wear their student identification card to practical sessions held in the Ray Last Anatomy Laboratory, where access is restricted to eligible students groups only and entry is strictly policed.

    A laboratory coat or some other form of protective clothing, and fully enclosed shoes must be worn to practical sessions.  Provision of protective clothing is the responsibility of the student. [Laboratory/dust coats are available for purchase from the major department stores and textbook suppliers (Unibooks and Encompass Books).]

    The wearing of appropriate protective clothing (a laboratory coat and fully enclosed shoes) and a name badge is compulsory for practical sessions held in the Ray Last Anatomy Laboratory (dissecting room).  Because of Occupational Health and Safety requirements, students not complying with this policy will not be admitted to the anatomy laboratory and will be recorded as being absent from the session.  NO LAB COAT = NO ENTRY - NO EXCUSES!

    Small Group Discovery Experience
    The Group-based Discovery Project in Human Biology IB provides an opportunity for small groups of students to work collaboratively under the guidance of an experienced academic to gain a deeper insight into an area of human biology and at the same time develop interpersonal and research skills. Ability to effectively collaborate/work with a diverse range of other people in a professional manner is an essential attribute for any person seeking a career in the wider health sector. Groups are allocated according to tutorial class, and each student is required to actively participate in the management and completion of a literature-based research task assigned to their group. Students will use a wiki to produce a “Wikipedia “ style information page on their topic, and communicate the key pounts of their research in an A3 sized poster.
  • Assessment

    The 最新糖心Vlog's policy on Assessment for Coursework Programs is based on the following four principles:

    1. Assessment must encourage and reinforce learning.
    2. Assessment must enable robust and fair judgements about student performance.
    3. Assessment practices must be fair and equitable to students and give them the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned.
    4. Assessment must maintain academic standards.

    Assessment Summary

    Assessment Task

    Assessment Type

    Due Date


    Learning Outcome(s) being addressed

    Online Formative Quizzes 1 & 2


    11.30pm Friday 8th August, (week 2)

    11.30pm Friday 22nd August (week 4)




    1, 4

    Online Summative Quizzes 1-4


    11.30pm Friday 15th August  (week 3)

    11.30pm Friday 5th September (week 6)

    11.30pm Friday 10th Oct (week 9)

    9.00am Monday 3rd November (SWOT wk)








    1, 4

    In-class Activities

    -  Selected Tutorial Questions, Modules 2 & 4

    -  Infection & Immunity Practical tasks



    At tutorial sessions in weeks 3, 5, 8, 9 & 11 (best 4 count to assessment)

    At end of practicals, Thursday 23rd, 30th October (weeks 11 & 12)






    1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

    Class Extension Tasks

    -  Tutorial Extension Task

    -  Practical Extension Task

    Summative (redemption available)



    4.30pm Friday 12th September (week 7)

    4.30pm Friday 19th September (week 8)




    1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10

    Group Discovery Project

    -  Progress checkpoints at Group Meetings 1-3

       Wiki & Poster + Evaluation Questionnaire





    Week 4

    Week 7

    Week 10


    9.00am Monday 20th October (week 11)

    9.00am Monday 27th October (week 12)


    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10

    Final Examination


    In Official Examination Period


    1, 5, 8, 9, 10

    Assessment Related Requirements
    To achieve a pass grade for the course, students must:

    ·   Attend at least 80% of all scheduled practical sessions (i.e. 10/12 sessions) and 80% of all tutorials (i.e. 6 /7 face-to-face tute sessions).  Failure to do so without valid documentation justifying the absence may result in preclusion from sitting the examination.  Students precluded from the examination will be deemed to have failed the course and must repeat all course components. [Note that non-attendance at scheduled practical and tutorial classes will impact on your ability to successfully complete the assessed in-class activities and class extension tasks, which contribute a combined aggregate of 20% towards the total course grade.]

    · Obtain a minimum aggregate grade of at least 40% for the final examination. [The final examination is weighted at 40% of the total course grade.]

    · Actively participate in the Group-based Discovery Project. [A mark for the Group-based Discovery Project, will only be awarded if you have contributed to checkpoint activities and submitted the compulsory Confidential Evaluation and Questionnaire at the completion of the project. It is unlikely that a student will achieve a pass grade without inclusion of a Group-based Discovery Project mark.

    Assessment Detail

    Online Summative Quizzes

    All students are required to complete by the submission deadlines, 4 Online Summative Quizzes. These quizzes include a variety of question formats including short answer, multiple choice, multiple answer, ordering, true/false, matching and fill in the blank. They aim to focus students on key concepts, examine foundation knowledge, consolidate and expand knowledge related to concepts, and test comprehension and application. They also provide opportunities for feedback on progress and level of understanding, with a view to remediating misconceptions.

    Late submission/non-submission of quizzes will attract a zero score towards the course grade. Summative quizzes are not redeemable.  [Optional formative quizzes with feedback are available on MyUni to test understanding prior to the summative quiz and for revision purposes.]

    In-class Assessment Activities

    These assessments are part of the regular activities scheduled in tutorial and practical classes.

    For each of the tutorial classes in weeks 3, 5, 8, 9 and 11 (Fluids and Transport, and Environmental Exchange modules), students will be required to submit for assessment by their tutor, a response to a tutorial question or exercise. The best 4 responses will contribute to summative course assessment.

    In association with the practical sessions (Infection and Immunity module) in weeks 11 and 12 of semester students will be required to complete pre-practical research questions and practical activities during the practical sessions.  This assessment component is based on conduct of procedures and interpretation of data generated with the practical classes. It cannot be completed without attendance at both practical sessions, and there is no opportunity for replacement assessment.  All absences from these practical sessions, regardless of reasons, will result in a zero mark for this assessment component.

    Class Extension Tasks

    In 2014, the class extension tasks are based around the What is Science, and Human Ecology and Evolution modules. The tasks require an understanding of scientific process and method, as well as well-developed skills in observation, critical analysis and higher order thinking.

    The tutorial extension task builds on the identification and analysis of hominin skull characteristics presented in Tutorial 5.

    The practical extension task utilises a class data set generated in Practical 5 (weeks 5 and 6). Students are required to investigate the factors that contribute to human variability, and discuss how variability is influenced by data collection methods and protocols.

    Group Discovery Project

    Full details of this assessment task, including the assessment criteria and marking rubric, are available on MyUni.

    Under the mentorship of an academic, students will work in groups of 6-9 to complete a literature-based investigation of a topic that falls under the general theme of “Scientific Fact or Fiction?”  All topics contain elements where there are differing interpretations or viewpoints, or that are open to debate. Each group is required to undertake a search to discover how their topic has been portrayed in the popular press (e.g. newspapers, magazines, online), social media and on websites. Groups must then research the science around the controversial elements of their topic, and present a case for a particular stance, which must be appropriately referenced and supported by scientific evidence (from the peer-reviewed literature).  The stance will be presented as a wiki page in MyUni, with the key message/s also communicated more visually in an A3 sized poster.

    End of Semester Examination

    The end of semester examination is held in the Official 最新糖心Vlog Semester 2 Examination period from Saturday 8th November to Saturday 22nd November 2014. The precise date of the examination will be made available to students from the end of September 2014 on the Examinations website:  

    The examination paper is of 2.5 hours duration, but most students should be able to complete it in 2 hours; the additional time is provided to enable planning and review of answers. Copies of previous examination papers are available on MyUni or from the Barr Smith library. Note that a range of question styles is used within the examination paper, including quiz format (multiple choice, true/false, matching etc), short answer, extended answer (essay style) and scenario-based questions. The various styles require that students provide information, apply information in defined settings, and/or integrate knowledge derived from a range of sources in the formulation of an answer.

    Online Summative Quizzes

    All students are required to complete by the submission deadlines, 4 Online Summative Quizzes. These quizzes include a variety of question formats including short answer, multiple choice, multiple answer, ordering, true/false, matching and fill in the blank. They aim to focus students on key concepts, examine foundation knowledge, consolidate and expand knowledge related to concepts, and test comprehension and application. They also provide opportunities for feedback on progress and level of understanding, with a view to remediating misconceptions.

    Late submission/non-submission of quizzes will attract a zero score towards the course grade. Summative quizzes are not redeemable.  [Optional formative quizzes with feedback are available on MyUni to test understanding prior to the summative quiz and for revision purposes.]

    In-class Assessment Activities

    These assessments are part of the regular activities scheduled in tutorial and practical classes.

    For each of the tutorial classes in weeks 3, 5, 8, 9 and 11 (Fluids and Transport, and Environmental Exchange modules), students will be required to submit for assessment by their tutor, a response to a tutorial question or exercise. The best 4 responses will contribute to summative course assessment.

    In association with the practical sessions (Infection and Immunity module) in weeks 11 and 12 of semester students will be required to complete pre-practical research questions and practical activities during the practical sessions.  This assessment component is based on conduct of procedures and interpretation of data generated with the practical classes. It cannot be completed without attendance at both practical sessions, and there is no opportunity for replacement assessment.  All absences from these practical sessions, regardless of reasons, will result in a zero mark for this assessment component.

    Class Extension Tasks

    In 2014, the class extension tasks are based around the What is Science, and Human Ecology and Evolution modules. The tasks require an understanding of scientific process and method, as well as well-developed skills in observation, critical analysis and higher order thinking.

    The tutorial extension task builds on the identification and analysis of hominin skull characteristics presented in Tutorial 5.

    The practical extension task utilises a class data set generated in Practical 5 (weeks 5 and 6). Students are required to investigate the factors that contribute to human variability, and discuss how variability is influenced by data collection methods and protocols.

    Group Discovery Project

    Full details of this assessment task, including the assessment criteria and marking rubric, are available on MyUni.

    Under the mentorship of an academic, students will work in groups of 6-9 to complete a literature-based investigation of a topic that falls under the general theme of “Scientific Fact or Fiction?”  All topics contain elements where there are differing interpretations or viewpoints, or that are open to debate. Each group is required to undertake a search to discover how their topic has been portrayed in the popular press (e.g. newspapers, magazines, online), social media and on websites. Groups must then research the science around the controversial elements of their topic, and present a case for a particular stance, which must be appropriately referenced and supported by scientific evidence (from the peer-reviewed literature).  The stance will be presented as a wiki page in MyUni, with the key message/s also communicated more visually in an A3 sized poster.

    End of Semester Examination

    The end of semester examination is held in the Official 最新糖心Vlog Semester 2 Examination period from Saturday 8th November to Saturday 22nd November 2014. The precise date of the examination will be made available to students from the end of September 2014 on the Examinations website:  

    The examination paper is of 2.5 hours duration, but most students should be able to complete it in 2 hours; the additional time is provided to enable planning and review of answers. Copies of previous examination papers are available on MyUni or from the Barr Smith library. Note that a range of question styles is used within the examination paper, including quiz format (multiple choice, true/false, matching etc), short answer, extended answer (essay style) and scenario-based questions. The various styles require that students provide information, apply information in defined settings, and/or integrate knowledge derived from a range of sources in the formulation of an answer.

    Submission of Assessment Items

    Detailed instructions on how to submit assessment items, e.g. class extension task, group discovery project are provided in the instruction sheet for the task. In most cases, electronic lodgement via MyUni will be used, or students will complete task components in MyUni using online tools.

    It is anticipated that marked assessment tasks and feedback will be returned to students within 4 weeks of the submission due date. Feedback will be provided via one or more of the following methods:

    ·        The marking rubric

    ·        Limited written comments on the task and/or on the rubric

    ·        An oral summary of the class strengths and weaknesses (voice recording on MyUni or face-to-face in classes)

    ·        A written class summary sheet made available to students via MyUni

    ·        Automated feedback in MyUni, generated according to the student response submitted.

    Position on the Granting of Extensions for Non-Examination Assessment Tasks

    All students have a right to request an extension in situations where, due to compassionate or medical reasons, or extenuating circumstances, they are unable to complete a piece of work by the prescribed deadline and consequently would be unreasonably disadvantaged. Compassionate reasons that may be considered include the death of a close relative or friend, incidents of violence or abuse, indications of significant psychological difficulties or conditions, or major changes in personal circumstances largely beyond the direct control of the student. Extenuating circumstances relate to a timing conflict between an obligation and the assessment requirements of the course, and are limited to a small number of situations including formal legal commitments, religious obligations, military service, or service with a recognized emergency management agency. [Other acceptable situations are listed in the Extenuating Circumstances Information Sheet.]

    Prior to applying for an extension, students are advised to read the appropriate Information Sheet, available from the Examinations website at All applications for an extension must use the appropriate Application Form and be accompanied by a Professional Report (medical and compassionate applications) or appropriate supporting documentation (applications on extenuating circumstances).

    Where a student requests an extension for reasons other than those listed above, a written application outlining circumstances must be forwarded to the course coordinator. In these cases or in situations where the student does not have supporting evidence, the decision to grant an extension is discretionary and rests with the course coordinator after consultation with the School of Medical Sciences Assessment Committee. In such cases, the duration of any extension, if one is granted, will normally be overnight. Note that extensions will NOT be approved on the grounds of poor prioritising of time as timelines for all assessment tasks are provided to students at the commencement of the course and effort is made to stagger deadlines between common courses wherever possible.

    Procedure for Applying for an Extension:

    1.   Download and complete the appropriate application form, or present a written case for consideration.

    2.   Lodge with the Course Coordinator.  The Course Coordinator must receive all applications for an extension not later than the last working day before the submission date of the assessment task concerned. [This means that the deadline for extension requests will normally be a Friday, as most tasks are due on a Monday.]  Failure to apply for an extension within the allowable timeframe will result in the application being rejected, and penalties for late submission will apply.

    3.   The length of any extension granted will take into account the period and severity of any incapacity or impact on the student. Extensions of more than 1 week will not be granted except in exceptional circumstances.

    4.   The outcome of an application and where successful, the confirmation of the new submission deadline will be communicated via an email from the course coordinator.

    5.   Students who do not formally apply for an extension or who have not discussed their options for completion of the task with the course coordinators will not automatically be granted an extension, irrespective of the reasons for late submission, and penalties will apply.

    Please note that all information and supporting documentation provided by students in applications for an extension of time for an assessment task or assignment will be treated in the strictest confidence and stored appropriately.

    Penalties for Late Submission of Assessment Tasks

    Assessment tasks must be submitted by the stated deadlines (as notified in the Course Handbook and on MyUni) or a penalty for late submission will apply. All submitted work, including that handed in late will be marked “without prejudice” (i.e. on its merits) but in the case of late submission penalties will then be applied, and marks will be deducted from the original mark awarded. Penalties will be applied at the rate of 5 percentage points of the total mark possible for the task per day (i.e. 5% per day). An examiner may elect not to mark any assessment task that is more than 7 days late.  Tasks more than 2 weeks late or that are received after feedback has been provided to the rest of the class will attract a mark of zero. In such situations, a student may still be eligible to pass Human Biology IB provided that the submission is of an acceptable standard and the student has attained an aggregate mark of >50% for other assessment components in the course.

    An assessment task that is not lodged as per instructions in the instruction sheet for the task will incur marking penalties if not received by the submission deadline. It is each student’s responsibility to ensure that tasks are lodged at the correct location. Furthermore, we cannot guarantee that assessment tasks submitted after the due date will be graded in time to be returned on the listed return date.  Hence, you may miss out on valuable feedback for subsequent assessment tasks.

    Replacement/Additional Assessment (R/AA) Exams

    Formerly known as supplementary exams, R/AA are examinations that provide an additional opportunity to students whose academic performance was impaired by circumstances outside of their control in the primary examination, or whose performance marginally failed to meet minimum course requirements.

    Students are able to apply for replacement (R) examination on medical or compassionate grounds, or due to extenuating circumstances. The results of replacement assessment offered on medical and/or compassionate grounds are classified using the normal grading system. However, if you completed the primary exam, and then have a replacement examination, your existing mark for the primary exam will be replaced by the mark from the R/AA, regardless of whether the latter is higher or lower.

    Additional Assessment (AA) examination may be offered to a student if their final result is in the range of 45-49, or if they have an aggregate result of >50 but have not achieved the minimum acceptable mark for the primary examination and have a realistic chance of meeting the minimum achievement level required in the examination.  The results of the R/AA on academic grounds will not be graded above the level of 50 Pass. Where a R/AA on academic grounds produces an overall result that differs from the primary result, the better of the two results will apply.

    Information Sheets and Application Forms for Replacement Examination are available from the Examination’s website at

    Please note that the granting of R/AA is discretionary. In some cases R/AA may be of a different format to the primary examination, e.g. viva voce examination rather than a written paper.

    Course Grading

    Grades for your performance in this course will be awarded in accordance with the following scheme:

    M10 (Coursework Mark Scheme)
    Grade Mark Description
    FNS   Fail No Submission
    F 1-49 Fail
    P 50-64 Pass
    C 65-74 Credit
    D 75-84 Distinction
    HD 85-100 High Distinction
    CN   Continuing
    NFE   No Formal Examination
    RP   Result Pending

    Further details of the grades/results can be obtained from Examinations.

    Grade Descriptors are available which provide a general guide to the standard of work that is expected at each grade level. More information at Assessment for Coursework Programs.

    Final results for this course will be made available through .

  • Student Feedback

    The 最新糖心Vlog places a high priority on approaches to learning and teaching that enhance the student experience. Feedback is sought from students in a variety of ways including on-going engagement with staff, the use of online discussion boards and the use of Student Experience of Learning and Teaching (SELT) surveys as well as GOS surveys and Program reviews.

    SELTs are an important source of information to inform individual teaching practice, decisions about teaching duties, and course and program curriculum design. They enable the 最新糖心Vlog to assess how effectively its learning environments and teaching practices facilitate student engagement and learning outcomes. Under the current SELT Policy (http://www.adelaide.edu.au/policies/101/) course SELTs are mandated and must be conducted at the conclusion of each term/semester/trimester for every course offering. Feedback on issues raised through course SELT surveys is made available to enrolled students through various resources (e.g. MyUni). In addition aggregated course SELT data is available.

  • Student Support
  • Policies & Guidelines
  • Fraud Awareness

    Students are reminded that in order to maintain the academic integrity of all programs and courses, the university has a zero-tolerance approach to students offering money or significant value goods or services to any staff member who is involved in their teaching or assessment. Students offering lecturers or tutors or professional staff anything more than a small token of appreciation is totally unacceptable, in any circumstances. Staff members are obliged to report all such incidents to their supervisor/manager, who will refer them for action under the university's student鈥檚 disciplinary procedures.

The 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide is committed to regular reviews of the courses and programs it offers to students. The 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide therefore reserves the right to discontinue or vary programs and courses without notice. Please read the important information contained in the disclaimer.