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Do not monitor the effects of medication as they have no training to do this. Are instructed to seek emergency medical assistance if concerned about a childs behaviour following medication. Name of child ... DOB .. Family name First name (please print) Medic Alert number (if relevant) ... Review date This plan applies from: / / until / / incl. (please include all days) MEDICATION INSTRUCTIONS (Please print clearly) Medication Name and form (eg liquid, capsule, ointment) Dose Method (eg oral or inhaled/both eyes/right ear only) Any other instruction: Illness being treated by this medication: TIME (Please indicate exact times relevant to child care) Early morning at: Mid morning at: Middle of the day at: Mid-afternoon at: Evening at: Other (please specify) Any other medication being taken at this time (ie at home)  Please note: Children are supervised when they take their oral/puffer medication. Age appropriate, safe self-management is encouraged. AUTHORISATION AND RELEASE Medical Practitioner . Professional Role .. Address Telephone Signature Date .. I have read, understood and agreed with this plan and any attachments above. I approve release of this information to childcare staff and emergency medical personnel. Parent or Guardian .. Signature Date Office use only: Copy to Date Name and signature of distributor Room/section: Computer (if ongoing plan): Original to confidential file: (Last updated March 2020)     Adelaide Vlog Childcare Services Inc Waite/Adelaide Campus Childrens Centre Acknowledgement to Department of Education South Vlog, Health Support Planning 2001. Information adapted from this source. 4FO^ ' / 5 # N  ; T s w x  yht5OJQJ\^JhtOJQJ^Jht6CJOJQJ]^Jht5CJOJQJ\^JhtCJOJQJ^JhtCJOJQJ^Jht5CJ\ htCJht5CJ\ht5CJ\ht5CJ\ htCJ htCJht/  ' / S  ( v ! $ & F$d&dNPa$$ & F$d&dNPa$$$d&dNPa$$a$! 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