Adelaidean - News from the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide
August 2004 Issue
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Coming Events

Wednesday, August 4

12.10pm Environmental Biology seminar:
"Intrigue in an endangered, sexually deceptive orchid" by Dr Topa Petit (UniSA). Benham Lecture Theatre, North Terrace Campus.

1pm Cultural Conversations:
"Research: The Pivotal Element of Art" by Dr Catherine Speck (Coordinator, Art History Program, ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide and the Art Gallery of South ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog) and Angela Valamanesh (artist). Ira Raymond Room, Barr Smith Library, North Terrace Campus.

A free exhibition by Angela Valamanesh, part of the South ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn Living Artists Festival, is on display until August 27 at the Barr Smith Library during opening hours.

Thursday, August 5

12.15pm Psychology seminar:
"Workplace bullying: Moving forward to a focus on intervention" by Vikki Knott (UniSA). Departmental Library, Room 526, Hughes Building, North Terrace Campus.

Friday, August 6

1.10pm Elder Hall Lunch Hour Concert Series:
solo recital by John Chen, winner of the 2004 Sydney International Piano Competition. Elder Hall, North Terrace Campus. Tickets $5 available at door from 12.30pm.

4pm Obstetrics & Gynaecology seminar:
"Emerging themes in the epidemiology of fetal growth and chronic disease" by Dr Michael Davies (Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Medical School). O&G Seminar Room, N229, 2nd Floor, Medical School North, Frome Road.

7.30pm International Space ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog free public event:
Gerald Soffen memorial panel: "Astrobiology: search for the origins of life." Panelists include David Southwood (Director of Scientific Programs, European Space Agency). Union Hall, ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide, North Terrace Campus.

Monday, August 9

8.45am International Space ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog free public event:
reviews of student team projects - "Water cycle studies using space technology and applications with an ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn case study", "The role of satellite communications in the development of rural and remote regions", and "Lunar missions in the framework of current space exploration initiatives for Mars." Room MG:08, Maths & Engineering Building, ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide, North Terrace Campus.

1pm School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Urban Design seminars:
"Some applications of the Multiple-criteria Decision Making approach as a design evaluation tool" by Bruce Beauchamp. The Forum, North Terrace Campus.

Wednesday, August 11

12.10pm Environmental Biology seminar:
"Western myall (Acacia papyrocarpa) and the hydraulic limitation hypothesis" by Martin Escoto-Rodrigues (Environmental Biology). Benham Lecture Theatre, North Terrace Campus.

7.30pm National Science Week free public event:
Great Big Science Gig 2. After sell-out shows last year, a brand new "Great Big Science Gig" will feature more bizarre and amazing science, more music and more laughs. Great science cabaret for everyone! Union Hall, North Terrace Campus. For more information phone (03) 9252 6264 or email: Chris.Krishna-Pillay@csiro.au

Thursday, August 12

12.15pm Psychology seminar:
"IQ and sleep" by Dr Kurt Lushington (UniSA). Departmental Library, Room 526, Hughes Building, North Terrace Campus.

7.30pm National Science Week free public event:
AIP Women in Physics Public Lecture: "Speeding Nuclei: exploring the nucleus and the natural environment" by Dr Mahananda Dasgupta. Union Hall, North Terrace Campus. For more information visit: or email: peter.veitch@adelaide.edu.au

Friday, August 13

10am Roseworthy Campus Information Day:
Your career in agriculture and natural resource management starts here. Find out more about the Bachelor of Science (Animal Science) and other science programs. Tour the facilities, including student accommodation. Listen to program talks and meet staff and students. For more information call: (08) 8303 7812 or email: judy.tucker@adelaide.edu.au Free entry, all welcome.

1.10pm Elder Hall Lunch Hour Concert Series:
Elder Conservatorium Cello Ensemble, led by Janis Laurs, conducted by Keith Crellin. Rosalind Martin (soprano), Pei-Sian Ng (cello soloist). Elder Hall, North Terrace Campus. Tickets $5 available at door from 12.30pm.

Sunday, August 15

10am ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide Open Day:
Free entry, all welcome, from 10am-4pm, North Terrace Campus. For more information contact the Student Centre: (08) 8303 5208, or 1800 061 459 for country and interstate callers.

6.30pm Memorial Concert for Jiri Tancibudek (1921-2004):
Performers include: ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn String Quartet, Alumni Chamber Orchestra, Jeffrey Crellin, Principal Oboe, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. Elder Hall, North Terrace Campus. Book at BASS or tickets at the door: $15 or $10 concession. For more information call (08) 8303 5925.

Monday, August 16

12.30pm Colgate ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn Clinical Dental Research Centre seminar:
"Students' Experience in PBL" by Dr Tracey Winning (Dental School). Board Room, Colgate ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn Clinical Dental Research Centre, 2nd Floor, Adelaide Dental Hospital.

1pm School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Urban Design seminars:
"A tool for depicting the embodied energy of the Adelaide built environment" by Stephen Pullen. The Forum, North Terrace Campus.

7pm History of Science, Ideas & Technology Group seminar:
"How could Thales of Miletus have predicted the solar eclipse of 585 BC?" by Dr Patricia O'Grady (Flinders ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog). Ira Raymond Exhibition Room, Barr Smith Library, North Terrace Campus.

6pm National Science Week free public event:
"Reach For The Stars" by Dr Sally Ride (NASA astronaut). Union Hall, North Terrace Campus.

Wednesday, August 18

12.10pm Environmental Biology seminar:
"What can remote sensing do for vegetation ecology?" by Dr Megan Lewis (Soil & Land Systems). Benham Lecture Theatre, North Terrace Campus.

Thursday, August 19

12.15pm Psychology seminar:
"The role of clinical psychology in mental health" by Dr Jonathan Philips (Director, Mental Health Services). Departmental Library, Room 526, Hughes Building, North Terrace Campus.

Friday, August 20

1.10pm Elder Hall Lunch Hour Concert Series:
an all Bach program with Peter Duggan (oboe and oboe d'amore, courtesy of Adelaide Symphony Orchestra), Keith Hempton (bass), Anthony Hunt (organ and harpsichord), Sonia Baldock (violin), Sarah McCarthy (violin), Caleb Wright (viola), Paul Zabrowarny (cello). Elder Hall, North Terrace Campus. Tickets $5 available at door from 12.30pm.

2pm National Science Week public event:
AIP Super Science Quiz, organised by AIP-SA for high school students. Teams of six students will compete for prizes, certificates and the Perpetual Shield. Eclipse Room, Union Building, North Terrace Campus. Entry Cost $2/student. Bookings essential, phone 0409 648 853. For more information visit: or email: olivia.samardzic@dsto.defence.gov.au

4pm Obstetrics & Gynaecology seminar:"
How the sperm turns on the egg: intracellular calcium spikes transduced into meiotic cell cycle resumption" by Dr Keith Jones (Cell and Molecular Biosciences, ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Newcastle). O&G Seminar Room, N229, 2nd Floor, Medical School North, Frome Road.

Saturday, August 21

11am Urrbrae House event:
"Against the Grain at Urrbrae", an exhibition of woodcraft presented by Woodgroup SA. Open daily 11am-4pm until September 4. Ballroom, Urrbrae House, Waite Campus (enter from Fullarton Road). Admission free. Enquiries to Peggy Rowe: (08) 8303 7497.

Monday, August 23

1pm School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Urban Design seminars:
"Hermeneutics of Ottoman Texts On Architecture: Experience And Meaning" by Selen Morkoc. The Forum, North Terrace Campus.

8pm Classical Association seminar:
"Orpheus, Theseus, Heracles: shamans or just plain heroes?" by Ron Newbold (Classics). Council Room, 7th floor, Wills Building, North Terrace Campus.

Tuesday, August 24

7.30pm Musicological Society of ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, SA Chapter seminar and AGM:
"E. Harold Davies (Elder Professor of Music) 1919 ­ 1947: A Conservative/Progressive at the Helm" by Doreen Bridges. Room 1107, Level 11, Schulz Building, North Terrace Campus (use lifts at rear of building, off Scott Theatre foyer). Entry by gold coin donation.

Wednesday, August 25

12.30pm Clinical Nursing seminar:
"Constructing Powerpoint Presentations", by Department of Clinical Nursing staff. Room 36, Level 3, Eleanor Harrald Building, Frome Road.

Thursday, August 26

9.00am International Space ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog free public event:
final presentations of student team projects - "Water cycle studies using space technology and applications with an ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn case study", "The role of satellite communications in the development of rural and remote regions", and "Lunar missions in the framework of current space exploration initiatives for Mars." Venue to be confirmed.

12.15pm Psychology seminar:
"Petrol sniffing among indigenous people: Implications for intervention" by Dr Jack White (private practice). Departmental Library, Room 526, Hughes Building, North Terrace Campus.

Friday, August 27

1.10pm Elder Hall Lunch Hour Concert Series:
Lance Coburn (winner of the Tomassoni International Piano Competition in Cologne). Elder Hall, North Terrace Campus. Tickets $5 available at door from 12.30pm.

Saturday, August 28

8.00pm Elder Evening Concert Series:
"Music of the Masses." Elder Conservatorium Chorale, Adelaide Voices and Bella Voce (conducted by Carl Crossin and Christie Anderson) and the Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra (conducted by Keith Crellin). Britten's Missa brevis in D for treble voices and organ, Haydn's Missa Sancti Johannes de Deo (Little Organ Mass) and Duruflé's Requiem. Elder Hall, North Terrace Campus. Tickets $25adult/$17concession/$10student available from BASS outlets or dial'n'charge on 131 246. ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide staff at concession prices.

Monday, August 30

12.30pm Colgate ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn Clinical Dental Research Centre seminar:
"Update on Professional Wine Taster's Erosion" by Dr Di Hunt (Dental School). Board Room, Colgate ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn Clinical Dental Research Centre, 2nd Floor, Adelaide Dental Hospital.

1pm School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Urban Design seminars:
Brett Grimm. The Forum, North Terrace Campus.

Media Contact:

Media Office
Email: media@adelaide.edu.au
External Relations
The ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide
Business: +61 8 8313 0814

For more news on the research and educational achievements of the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog & our alumni read the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog's bi-annual magazine, Lumen.