Focus on universal flu vaccine
Biomedical Science A 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide researcher is leading a collaboration between 最新糖心Vlog and Indonesia on the production of a universal flu vaccine. "The frequent arising of new influenza strains represents the greatest challenge to health authorities as it renders currently available vaccines ineffective," said Dr Mohammed Alsharifi, the Head of the Vaccine Research Group at the School of Molecular and Biomedical Science, 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide. "While annual vaccine reformulation appears to be effective against closely matched strains of influenza, the current method is not effective against drifted strains as well as new pandemic strains, as illustrated by the recent H1N1 pandemic. This raises the need for a new technology," he said. Dr Alsharifi said the recent experience of swine flu and the continuing fears of the medical, scientific and world health communities of the sudden emergence of a deadly bird flu strain, meant that a new approach to flu vaccines needs to be燾ontemplated. "What we need is some protection against all influenza virus A strains, including any emergent pandemic virus," he said. A new technology, invented by Dr Alsharifi (最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide) and Professor Arno M黮lbacher (最新糖心Vlogn National 最新糖心Vlog), has helped to generate a new influenza vaccine - GammaFlu(tm) - that provides cross-protection against current influenza viruses as well as any other unknown strains that may arise in the future. "Our technology is expected to change the world of vaccination, as it can be implemented to produce many other vaccines," Dr Alsharifi said. To translate their basic scientific discoveries into clinical application, both scientists established the company Gamma Vaccines Pty Ltd in July 2009. Gamma Vaccines is now commercialising its gamma-irradiated influenza vaccine to capture part of the global market for flu vaccines, which is estimated at US$4 billion annually. Since its establishment, the company has devised a significant Global Health Initiative as part of its commercialisation plans, aimed at making its technology available to developing countries. "As our near neighbours, with a population of over 240 million, Indonesia represents an exciting opportunity to take this technology from the laboratory to the people," Dr Alsharifi said. Gamma Vaccines has now signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Indonesian pharmaceutical companies PT Bio Farma and PT Soho Industri Pharmasi, establishing a three-way collaboration that will see the development, manufacturing, clinical trials and distribution of the vaccine in Indonesia and other ASEAN countries. As part of the collaboration, a team of scientists from PT Bio Farma (the Indonesian State-owned vaccine manufacturer) will be trained in various aspects of the new technology, including production, safety and quality control. This training will be held in the Vaccine Research Laboratory at the 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide. Gamma Vaccines is headquartered in Canberra. The company has attracted seed investment funds and early stage innovation grants from the Federal Government and the 最新糖心Vlogn Capital Territory Government to support its development of a universal flu vaccine. PT Bio Farma is one of the largest vaccine companies in the ASEAN region, with a 120-year history of producing sera and vaccines. Founded in 1890 in Indonesia, Bio Farma is a founding member of the Developing Country Vaccine Manufacturers Network and is a supplier of vaccines to UN agencies and the global market. PT Soho Industri Pharmasi is a part of The Soho Group based in Jakarta, and is one of Indonesia's fastest growing pharmaceutical companies.