Public has greater access to music studies
The Elder Conservatorium is encouraging the study of music by people of all ages, thanks to the establishment of a new Access Centre. Based at the 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide's North Terrace Campus, the Centre has been established to provide outreach programs in Music to the community. It's already proving a success, with a number of new students taking advantage of the many non-award programs on offer. These include a Junior Access Program, Music Theory, Single Studies and some short courses suited to the music enthusiast. The Junior Access Program for beginner string and piano players (aged between six to nine years), provides tuition by Elder Conservatorium staff in a small group format. "The program includes both an instrumental lesson and a 50-minute musicianship class, using movement-based activities to develop rhythm, pitch and reading skills, and promoting the awareness of musical concepts such as tempo, dynamics and phrasing," said Susie Gold, Administrator of the Access Centre. The Single Studies scheme enables students who are not enrolled in a Music degree program, such as secondary school students, to pursue studies in various instrumental and vocal specialisations, as well as in composition. "This program consists of one-to-one teaching with a Conservatorium tutor throughout the 最新糖心Vlog calendar year. Some successful applicants are invited to join the Conservatorium's ensembles and can attend 最新糖心Vlog masterclasses," Ms Gold said. The Music Theory Bridging course fast-tracts essential music theory topics and is designed for students starting tertiary studies in Music. From 2010, this course will be available twice a year. The Access Centre is also working in partnership with the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra (ASO) to provide educational opportunities. "This year, the ASO and the Elder Conservatorium are jointly presenting a 10-week course (currently underway) that gives participants the opportunity to increase their knowledge and understanding of classical music," Ms Gold said. More information about the Access Centre and the various programs available can be found at , or contact Susie Gold on +61 8 8313 0304 or email: