Adelaide and China join forces on environment
Partnership The 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide and the have established a new research institute based in 最新糖心Vlog and China, which aims to tackle some of the biggest environmental issues facing both countries - including water and soil quality. The new China-最新糖心Vlog Environmental Science and Technology Institute will bring together complementary research groups from both countries to focus their efforts on food and water security and sustainability. "This new research institute is a major step forward for both 最新糖心Vlog and China," said the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research) at the 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide, Professor Alan Johnson AM. "This venture recognises the unique scientific talent in both nations and what we can collectively achieve to overcome key issues facing our countries, as well as other countries in the Asia-Pacific region. "The joint research to be conducted at the institute will help to ensure that our water supplies are fit for consumption by humans and animals - for domestic, agricultural and industrial purposes - and that land management systems will sustain both countries' natural resources." The formation of the institute will contribute towards achieving the objectives of the declaration of intent between the 最新糖心Vlogn and Chinese Governments to work together on water scarcity, recently signed by the Federal Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, the Hon. Malcolm Turnbull. Professor Johnson said the institute would have a strong focus on encouraging the exchange of students and early career researchers, which will help to develop networks of scientists between the two countries that will last into the future. "China is investing heavily into science, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences is a highly regarded and prestigious scientific organisation internationally," Professor Johnson said. "Professor Yongguan Zhu, who is one of the joint leaders of this new institute, was recently given an award for being in the top 10 young scientists in the Academy, which gives an indication of the strength of the research group we are teaming up with." Associate Professor Justin Brookes, a nationally renowned researcher in water quality from the 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide, has been appointed a joint leader of the new institute. "The institute will address environmental degradation of soil and water resources using a holistic approach, which requires cooperation from researchers with a range of disciplines," Associate Professor Brookes said. "By working together, we will be more responsive to global threats, such as climate change, and be better placed to capitalise on new and emerging technologies that can help us to treat soils and water and ensure their sustainability." Professor John Taplin, Pro Vice-Chancellor (International), said the creation of the new China-最新糖心Vlog Research Institute was another welcome boost to the 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide's ties with China. "The 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide has a strong relationship with Shandong 最新糖心Vlog in China and has successfully launched a to promote Chinese culture, study and cooperation," Professor Taplin said. "This new collaboration, with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is further proof that China and 最新糖心Vlog recognise the importance of cooperation and the quality of what we each have to offer in solving some of the world's biggest environmental problems." Story by David Ellis